Abstract submission
- Submit your abstract at conferences.easy@sfecologie.org
- While you will send your abstract, you will be required to pre-register for the meeting.
- Proposals will be reviewed and selected by the Scientific Committee for a standard (10+5min) or short (5+3min) communication.
- All submitters will be notified of acceptance decisions by Oct 25
- If accepted, you will be required to register (see below)
Abstract submission EXTENDED DEADLINE – Oct 23rd
Editorial rules
You may choose between a standard communication (10+5 min) or short communication (5+3min). We will make our best to satisfy your choice. No poster session is planed since we prefer giving more time to talks and plenary sessions.
Proposals should refer to « agriculture and ecology ».
- Indicate the first name and name of the authors, underline the name of the speaker. Indicate by an asterisk the corresponding author and his/her e-mail address and phone number.
- Title in Calibri font 11, bold
- Text in Calibri font, size 10, single spaced.
- Abstract submissions should be no longer than 250 words.
Proposals that are incomplete or received by email after the deadline will not be considered.
Modifications of the abstract after submission will be handled on a case-by-case basis, and will not be possible after the final deadline for registration (October 10th).
Registration process
- Fill the registration form >> REGISTRATION FORM – EASYs 2019 <<
- Submit it at conferences.easy@sfecologie.org
- When you submit your proposal, you will be notified of receipt by an email sent to the address that you provided. If you do not receive such a notification, please contact us to confirm that your proposal was received.
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